Saya tak boikot Petronas!


Sebulan lepas, saya menerima rantaian email yang menyeru agar rakyat Malaysia memboikot PETRONAS.  Ini adalah antara respon yang ditunjukkan oleh sebahagian rakyat yang berasa terhimpit dengan kenaikan harga bahaapi petrol & diesel bermula bulan lepas.  Tak dinafikan, bahawa topik kenaikan harga bahanapi ini menjadi perbualan setiap lapisan masyarakat di mana sahaja.

Dalam sibuk-sibuk isu ini diperbincangkan di tengah masyarakat, ada seruan:  “JOM BOIKOT PETRONAS!”

Berikut adalah antara kandungan email tersebut:

“Wahai warga  Malaysia sekelian…. .hebahkanlah cerita benar ini kpd rakan2 anda sekelian mengapa perlu boikot minyak petronas…. .

Sebenarnya semua warga malaysia kena tipu dengan dasar kenaikan harga minyak ni..baru2 ni kenaikan harga minyak sebanyak RM0.78.Tinggi tuuuuu.Mengapa kita perlu menaikkan harga minyak setinggi tuuuuuuu….

Haaaaaa ini lah yang warga malaysia tak tahu…. Sebenarnya kita ni duduk je Malaysia…tapi minyak yang kita cari gali kat trengganu dan Srawak tu, kita tak penah pakai pun…Minyak yang kita gali tu ialah minyak Gred A…Diulangi Minyak Gred A…….semua minyak tersebut dijual keseluruhannya keluar negara…jadi petronas telah beli pulak minyak gred C…Diulang Gred C…..untuk digunakan dimalaysia dan diletak logo Petronas…. dalam kajian oleh syarikat2 kereta yg bukan keta nasional, bahawa minyak petronas ini adalah minyak paling kotor sekali…maklumlah minyak gred C.

Minyak yang paling bersih adalah minyak Caltex @ Mobil/Esso @ Shell. Mengapa minyak tersebut lebih bersih??? Sebab minyak tersebut adalah dari gred B…Inilah yg rakyat malaysia tak tahu…kenaikan harga minyak disebabkan kenaikan harga minyak dunia yang dikawal oleh US yg mana setong hampir mencecah usd130.00..Semua orng tertanya-tanya mengapa kita negara peneluar minyak kena mengikut harga minyak dunia kan . Itu lah antara sebab2 nye…

Untuk pengetahuan anda semua…semasa kenaikan harga minyak dari RM 1.62 kepada RM1.92 anda pasti pernah menerima E-mail yang mengatakan “isilah minyak petronas ramai-ramai. Jika semua rakyat malaysia isi minyak petronas, harga minyak tidak akan naik”…Semua e-mail tersebut adalah mengarut.Anda semua kena tipu…..Minyak tetap naik jugak kan….Sebenarnya yang untung paling besar adalah sebahagian orang2 besar kat atas tu dan org2 yang bekerja dengan petronas…sebab bila reramai isi minyak petronas, makin besar lah untung petronas…bila makin besar untung…makin besar lah bonus yang orang2 petronas dapat…Tahun lepas sahaja bonus org2 petronas dapat antara 6-13 bulan bergantung pada perkhidmatan. ..Tapi yang petronas istihar ialah 2 bulan bonus sahaja…Bonus yang selebihnya diletakkan atas nama saguhati…. Dasyat betul diorg menipu rakyat.mengambil untung dari hasil perut bumi yang ALLAH bagi tanpa mengagaihkan sama rata kepada rakyat….Cerita ini bukan rekaan tetapi cerita ini aku perolehi sendiri dari abg ipar aku yg bekerja di KLCC. Dia yg menguruskan sendiri Jualan minyak Gred A kita keluar dan membeli Minyak Gred C untuk di pakai di malaysia…masa aku dengar dia bercerita menyirap jugak darah aku bila dia cakap “bonus aku tahun ni 9 bulan (masa tu tahun 2007)”dah la gaji dia rm 6+++…Siapa yang keja kerajaan tahun 2007 mana ada bonus….Pasal Peraduan Car Craze……yang menang tu semua org yg senang2 dan ada contribute dgn petronas…apa salahnya kalau petronas kurangkan harga minyak RM 0.20 keee tapi takde pertandingan Car Craze…Semua rakyat dapat tidak…dahla jual minyak gred C….Pas tu nak tarik ramai orang isi minyak petronas dengan peraduan mcm tu…aku bukan nak kondem petronas tetapi aku rasa terkilan ditipu buta2 dengan cara demikian.Selama ni aku isi minyak petronas nak support produk malaysia…tetapi setelah aku tahu aku terus betukar ke minyak Caltex @ Mobil/Esso dan skang ni sudah 7 bulan aku tak isi minyak petronas. dan aku dpat rasakan minyak tersebut lagi menjimatkan. .Terpulang pada anda untuk mengisi minyak yg anda suka kerana duit tersebut adalah duit anda… “

Saya secara peribadi tidak menyokong seruan ini.  Kenapa?  Saya tidak memerlukan fakta teknikal untuk menjustifikasikan tindakan saya.  Saya hanya orang biasa.  Dan saya mempunyai sebab-sebab yang biasa-biasa sahaja.


  • PETRONAS adalah syarikat milik Malaysia yang boleh dikatakan juga ia milik orang ISLAM.
  • Saya sentiasa mengibarkan sentimen “Belilah barangan buatan Malaysia” dan “Belilah barangan yang diusahakan Muslim” di dalam keluarga, setiap masa.
  • Kukuhnya PETRONAS, maka akan kukuhlah ekonomi negara, bangsa & ummat ISLAM, insyaALLAH.
  • Penubuhan PETRONAS setahu saya tak sama macam syarikat2 lain.  Ia mempunyai sejarahnya tersendiri yang menyebabkan ianya tertubuh.  Kekayaan yang telah ALLAH kurniakan kepada Malaysia, sebahagiannya telah disalurkan melalui sumber galian yang diteroka dan diurus oleh PETRONAS.
  • Melalui dana yang disumbangkan dan cukai yang diperolehi kerajaan dari PETRONAS telah membolehkan kemakmuran dan pembangunan negara terlaksana.  Tanpanya, saya kira sangat sukar.  SubhanALLAH, Maha Pemurahnya ALLAH.

Itulah antara sebab saya tak sokong pemboikotan PETRONAS, hatta mana2 suara yang mengajak kita memboikot barangan ummat ISLAM.  Alhamdulillah, setakat ni saya masih beristiqamah menggunakan produk PETRONAS dan lain2 produk ummat ISLAM, melainkan tatkala tiada pilihan yang wajar.

Dan alhamdulillah, ramai rakan2 yang mempunyai iltizam yang sama, iaitu “BELILAH BARANGAN MALAYSIA & MUSLIM”.  Kalian boleh merujuk ke bahagian komentar utk membaca email2 penjelasan oleh mereka yang terlibat secara langsung dengan PETRONAS dan lain2 yang berkenaan.

Seruan supaya memboikot PETRONAS adalah seruan yang PELIK!, malah tak keterlaluan sekiranya saya memikirkan ia mempunyai agenda yang tersendiri.

10 Julai 2008

9 responses to “Saya tak boikot Petronas!

  • shahmuzir

    ***EMAIL 1***

    Subject: Jawapan pd email komen2 negatif psl PETRONAS…. .

    Macam nilah… biar saya explain sikit2 pasal issue sekadar pengatahuan yang saya ada…
    Saya kira mungkin orang yang prosess minyak (refinery engineer) lebih tau dari orang yang jual minyak…. (sales person)….
    Saya ni kira perantara antara kedua-dua pihak ni….. kalu ada yg silap tu betul2kanlah yer….
    Lebih baik dengar dari sumber yang betul dari dengar khabar2 angin…

    Sebenarnya dalam dunia nia ada dua jenis minyak mentah (crude oil) yang utama….
    1) Sweet Crude ( 0.3% sulphur) – Kebanyakannya di Negara Timur Tengah, Iran, Iraq dan kebanyakannya…

    Harga sour crude lebih rendah . Dan dah semestinye, sweet crude lebih tinggi harganya
    So, minyak yang kata gred A dan Gred C, basically inilah perbezaannya… .
    (walaupun takder istilah ni sebenarnyer…) bukan sweet atau sour yang
    membezakan gred tapi final product ( hasil prosess akhir) tu yang menentukan gred petrol/ diesel yang digunakan itu …Macamana???? Cuba bacalagi kt bawah nieee…..

    Di Malaysia mengikut standard MS 123, maksimum sulphur yang boleh ada dalam
    petrol mestilah tidah lebih dari 3000 ppm (parts per million). Jadi, mana2 oil and gas company kat Malaysia ni, tak kiralah (SHELL, CALTEX, MOBIL, PETRONAS etc) mesti mematuhi peraturan ini.

    Untuk mendapatkan petrol yang memenuhi kehendak MS 123 ini, semua minyak mentah (crude oil) tadi harus melalui proses “de-sulphurization” di loji penapisan minyak…..Tak kiralah berapa kandungan sulphur dalam final product (petrol / diesel) tu as long as kurang dari 3000 ppm, maka dah boleh jual kt stesen minyak di Malaysia…. Dan kebanyakannya ngam2 je kandungan sulphur
    dalam product depa. Ada yang 2900, 2950, 2800, tak kisahlah asalkan …bawah 3000 ppm

    Tetapi Kebanyakan Negara di Eropah, mereka tidak mengikut Standard MS 123 (of course –lah), mereka mengikut standard EURO. Kandungan sulphur jauh lebih rendah dari di Malaysia…Macam dalam jadual di bawah nie…..

    Dekat sinilah yang membezakan Gred A, B C etc tadi….. bukan crude oil tu yg membezakan tapi final productnya…. Tapi of course lah kalu guna sour crude, prosess nak buang sulphur tu panjang sikit dan mahal sikit berbanding guna sweet crude…..since it contains more sulphur as compared to sweet crude… Guna sour crude atau sweet crude, boleh jugak dapat quality
    petrol kt bawah nie…. Harus diingat, EURO standard ni bukan hanya sulphur, tapi banyak lagi aspek lain yang ada, tapi one of the main concern ialah

    Sulphur content.
    |———– —–+— ——+– ——–+ ——— -+——- —+—– —–|
    | |MS 123 |EURO 2 |EURO 3 |EURO 4 |EURO 5 |
    |———– —–+— ——+– ——–+ ——— -+——- —+—– —–|
    PETROL (ppm) | < 3000 |< 500 |< 150 |< 50 |< 30-15
    ———— —-+—- —–+— ——-+- ——— +——– –+—— —-
    DIESEL (ppm) | < 5000 |< 500 |< 350 |< 50 |< 30-15

    So, nak buat apa prosess crude yang mahal untuk guna di malaysia sedangkan requirement rendah sahaja dan sweet crude ni sendiri ada yang dah less pun dari 2000 ppm sulphur. Kan ke rugi tuuuuu!!!!! Kos nak beli dan process sour crude import lagi rendah dari untung yang dapat bila jual sweet crude kita ke luar…

    Dan lebih baik dijual keluar yang untungnya berlipat kali ganda..Untuk diberi pada kerajaan Malaysia jugak (pandai2lah kerajaan menguruskan, tapi yang ni saya tak tau mcmana diuruskan)…. Tapi bukan semua kita jual…..ada jugak yang kita guna sendiri untuk menampung yang mana2 tak cukup tu…..

    Kesimpulan.. ..
    1) Semua fuel kt Malaysia ni (tak kira dari company mana pun) mengikut
    standard yang sama takder A atau B, C. Tapi adalah beza2 sikit dari segi
    performance, kebersihan ENJIN dan penjimatan (dan semestinyer ujian makmal
    membuktikan PRIMAX3 is the best!!)
    2) Tapi of course bukan sulphur sahaja yang menentukan quality, bnyk
    lagi mcm, RON, aromatics, Lead etc
    3) Berbelanja di PETRONAS, pulangannya balik kepada kita orang
    Malaysia, Islam (kebanyakannya pengusaha stesen2 minyak) dan Melayu jugak.
    Takder org bukan Islam yang nak masuk masjid bagi derma kt tabung masjid.
    Tak payahlah nak sumbang kt mereka2 plak…… lagi banyak masuk PETRONAS, lagi
    banyak masuk kepada bangsa melayu dan Malaysia.
    4) Dan PETRONAS takder pun menyumbang kepada yahudi (mcm sesetengah
    company) yang baliknya akan menindas Islam sendiri..
    5) Kalu tak paham, baca pelan2…..
    6) Kalau ada salah silap, mahap yer….
    7) Jgn marah….
    8) Selamat Hari Bapa………
    9) TAKBIR!!!!!

    Please forward this to those who claimed PETRONAS gave 6-13 mths
    bonus,bla…bla… bla…


  • shahmuzir

    ***EMAIL 2***

    Dear All,

    This is lengthy but please bear with me This is worth reading through ALSO.

    We’re not actually comparing apple-to-apple here, as most countries listed
    have a very long reserve life (the amount of years they have till the oil
    is finished) and they have a low population compared to their oil reserve
    (hence they can cater to their own needs without any bother to the supply).
    Some research can do wonders instead of blaming others.

    population = 4,380,000
    oil reserve = 97 billion barrels
    production rate = 2.5 million barrels per day
    Reserve life = 107 years

    population = 2,851,000
    oil reserve = 99 billion barrels
    production rate = 2.5 million barrels per day
    Reserve life = 108 years

    Saudi Arabia
    population = 24,735,000
    oil reserve = 260 billion barrels
    production rate = 8.8 million barrels per day
    reserve life = 81 years

    population = 71,208,000
    oil reserve = 136 billion barrels
    production rate = 3..9 million barrels per day
    reserve life = 74 years

    population = 148,093,000
    oil reserve = 36.2 billion barrels
    production rate = 2.3 million barrels per day
    reserve life = 43 years

    population = 27,877,000
    oil reserve = 80 billion barrels
    production rate = 2.4 million barrels per day
    reserve life = 91 years

    population = 27,452,091
    oil reserve = 4..8 billion barrels
    production rate = 550,000 barrels per day (resources from internet salah.
    One of my friend give me this figure)
    reserve life = 33 years

    http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Oil_reserves
    http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Population
    http://www.eia. Malaysia/ Oil.html
    http://www.malaysia Blog-e/2006/ 03/petronas- profits-create- friction. htm

    And the Ahmad fisherman notion that we extract oil from the ground without
    costs, or little cost, is NOT TRUE. Foolish, even.

    FYI, to extract oil from the ground, there’re 3 main cycle: Exploration,
    Development and Production. I wont go into lengthy explanation here, lets
    just have an overview of Drilling campaigns that needs to be carried out on
    all three cycles.

    Drilling Campaign:

    Rig: RM552,000 per day (minimum)

    ->We dont make rigs. We rent them. The deeper the ocean, the pricier the
    rig. And FYI, shallow waters of Malaysia is running out of oil. We are
    running the final race on shallow waters , have to concentrate on smaller
    pore-sized fields and taking the greater risk and more cost on deepwater

    Supply boat : RM 209,509 per day (minimum)

    -> we need at least 2 supply boats.

    Thats the cost of just two of many, many more items involved in Drilling
    campaigns alone. I’d like to reiterate that these campaigns occur in ALL of
    the 3 cycles, each campaign is at least 4 months. Do the maths or better
    yet, put it in a fancy Excel and publish it around.

    Thats just costs involved in extracting the oil.

    How about transporting it to shore? How about refining it for industries,
    daily stuff and for your car?

    Some may ask why are we selling our oil, since we can use it? Well, here
    the answer: WE DONT HAVE MONEY. What else can we sell to make money? Tin?
    Gold? Pepper? Rubber? All these calculated together would not make even a
    small portion of profit in O&G. Our oil is of one of the best quality in
    the world because it is low in sulphur. Fyi, we dont need best quality oil
    for our cars, its only used in industries and in jets. In the international
    oil price is average USD130/bbl, ours would be close to USD140/bbl.

    And then some might additionally ask, SO WHERE DID ALL THE OIL MONEY GO?
    Please refer to the statistics above, we have less than 50yrs of supply of
    O&G, although more explorations are aggressively being done in deepwater
    and smallfields. PETRONAS needs the money to ensure that we have the supply
    AFTER 50 years. PETRONAS is aggressively pursuing O&G projects overseas,
    and these projects does not come cheap. In other words, PETRONAS is not the
    nation’s piggy bank, its THE bank for our children’s children.

    So please, do not be swayed easily by cheap-mouthed politicians who does
    not have the in-depth knowledge about how the process goes. If they say
    they want to use our oil money, please do consider our children’s children.
    PETRONAS have been supporting the nation by giving back almost 60% if its

    Itu pakai cheap labor tu Our skilled engineers, even often frustrated by
    the meager wages they get for risking their lives at sea, sometimes for
    weeks, still they stay and think of the country. I’m proud to say a lot of
    them are very patriotic. But also a lot of them are enticed by Middle East
    countries and others to work for them for more attractive salary. Nak
    recruit orang baru senang, but we have to train them and training takes 2-3
    yrs!. Since we are running our last mile in our existing oilfields, we need
    experienced workers, and they dont come cheap.

    So next time any politician says, DUIT PETRONAS PEGI MANA?, ask them back

    :p. I think that would be more appropriate.

    Noon Aliza A Aziz
    GM’s Office, Exploration America Projects, Exploration Div, L10, T2,
    Tel: 03 2331 1007 Fax: 03 2331 9140
    E Mail Add:
    noonaliza_aaziz@ petronas.


  • shahmuzir

    ***EMAIL 3***

    Salam to all,

    Just came back from offshore rigs (somewhere in sabah area), tengok
    email penuh dgn bermacam2 email esp yg menyentuh ttg kenaikan minyak.
    Ramai juga yg tidak berpuashati dan ramai juga yg menyatakan sendiri
    perasaan terima kasih mereka kerana berani bersemuka menerangkan isu ini
    di dlm email. Actually it wasn’t my intention to spread all this, I just
    felt bad when somebody telling everybody abt something that she/he not
    even know the true fact of it. If the statement is true, then fair
    enough, but it wasn’t the case. I just came up and reply to her as well
    as cc to my closest friends, and suddenly boommmm….

    I received this email wrote by the Petronas Media relationship, it’s
    more precise and more conclusive.

    Pesan sy, selidik dulu akan kebenaran yg kita sebarkan, kerana takut
    kelak ia menjadi fitnah yg besar. Petronas telah menjalankan amanah yg
    diamanahkan oleh Negara sebaik yg mungkin, terpulanglah kpd kerajaan utk
    menggunakan duit yg telah dipulangkan utk digunakan sebaik mungkin.
    Penentuan harga fuel bukan dibawah bidang Petronas tetapi kerajaan yg
    memerintah. Pasal bonus tuh mmg tak betul, apa yg diperbesarkan ialah
    ttg performance bonus (for those who are really hardworking& excellent,
    and the percentage is not big). To me that’s fair enough.
    Petronas has contributed a lot to the nation, creating thousand of jobs
    nationwide, provide education sponsorships, university, and many more.
    Pls do some check and balance on what Esso and Shell have done to
    Malaysian as compared to Petronas. Bear in mind Esso and Shell has been
    operating in Malaysia since we are born, and even earlier than that
    (during concession agreement era). Of course we can’t compare esso and
    Shell with Petronas, as Petronas is the National oil company, but
    boycotting Petronas will make things event worst.


  • shahmuzir

    ***EMAIL 4***

    Dear all,

    After reading all the chain mails and blogs, I feel called to reply,
    because of the relentless attacks and allegations — most of which are
    inaccurate or baseless — against PETRONAS.


    1) The salaries paid to PETRONAS’ employees are not as high as people
    think. At best, they are just industry average. And these are not
    attractive enough for some who left PETRONAS to find work at other
    companies (mainly from the Middle East ) which are willing to pay more.
    Why do they pay more? The oil and gas industry worldwide has been facing
    acute shortage of qualified or experienced personnel, so most companies
    are willing to pay lots of money to entice and pinch staff from their

    Bonus? There has NEVER been a bonus amounting to 6 months or 12 months
    throughout the 33 years. On average, it is 2 months. But don’t ever
    think we don’t deserve it. We more than deserve it. A lot of us work
    really hard, some in the most extreme of conditions. Those who have been
    to and worked in northern Sudan , for example, would testify that it’s
    like working in a huge blower oven. Southern Sudan , on the other hand,
    is almost all swamps and mud. Imagine having to go through that kind of
    heat, or waddling in muddy swamps, day in and day out.


    2) Malaysia produces about 600,000 barrels of crude oil per day (and
    about 100,000 barrels condensate). Of this crude volume, 339,000 barrels
    are refined locally for local consumption. The rest is exported (and
    yes, because it has lower sulphur content it fetches higher prices).

    Malaysia also imports about 230,000 barrels of crude oil per day,
    mainly from the Middle East , to be refined here. This crude oil contains
    higher sulphur and is less expensive (so the country gains more by
    exporting our crudes). In Malaysia , this crude is processed by PETRONAS
    at its second refinery in Melaka, and also by Shell at its Port Dickson

    Different refineries are built and configurated to refine different
    types of crude. And each crude type yields different percentage of
    products (diesel, gasoline, kerosene, cooking gas etc) per barrel.

    But most importantly, products that come out at the end of the refining
    process have the same good quality regardless of the crude types. That’s
    why PETRONAS, Shell and Exxon Mobil share the same pipeline to transport
    the finished products from their refineries to a distribution centre in
    the Klang Valley . The three companies collect the products at this
    centre accordingly to be distributed to their respective distribution
    networks. What makes PETRONAS’ petrol different from Shell’s, for
    example, is the additive that each company adds.


    3) A lot of people also do not understand the role and function of
    PETRONAS, which is essentially a company, a business entity, which
    operates on a commercial manner, to mainly generate income and value for
    its shareholder. In this case, PETRONAS’ shareholder is the Government.

    In 1974, when PETRONAS was set up, the Government gave PETRONAS RM10
    million (peanuts, right?) as seed capital. From 1974 to 2007, PETRONAS
    made RM570 billion in accumulated profits, and returned to the
    Government a total of RM335.7 billion. That is about 65% of the profits.
    That means for every RM1 that PETRONAS makes, 65 sen goes back to the

    Last year, PETRONAS made a pre-tax profit of RM86.8 billion. The amount
    given back to the Government (in royalty, dividends, corporate income
    tax, petroleum products income tax and export duty) was RM52.3 billion.
    The rest of the profit was used to pay off minority interests and taxes
    in foreign countries (about RM7.8 billion – PETRONAS now operates in
    more than 30 countries), and the remaining RM26.7 billion was
    reinvested. The amount reinvested seems a lot, but the oil and gas
    industry is technology- and capital-intensive. Costs have gone up
    exponentially in the last couple of years. Previously, to drill a well,
    it cost about US$3 million; now it costs US$7 million. The use of rigs
    was US$200,000 a day a couple of years ago; now it costs US$600,000 a

    A lot of people also do not realise that the amount returned by PETRONAS
    to the Government makes up 35% of the Government’s total annual income,
    to be used by the Government for expenditures, development, operations,
    and yes, for the various subsidies. That means for every RM1 the
    Government makes, 35 sen is contributed by PETRONAS.

    So, instead of asking what happens to PETRIONAS’ money or profits,
    people should be questioning how the money paid by PETRONAS to the
    Government is allocated.


    4) A lot of people also ask, why Malaysia exports its crude oil.
    Shouldn’t we just stop exporting and sell at cheaper prices to local
    refiners? If Malaysia is an oil exporting country, why can’t we sell
    petrol or diesel at cheaper prices like other oil producing countries in
    the Middle East ?

    I guess I don’t have to answer the first couple of questions. It’s
    simple economics, and crude oil is a global commodity.

    Why can’t we sell petrol and diesel at lower prices like in the Middle
    East? Well, comparing Saudi Arabia and other big producers to Malaysia
    is like comparing kurma to durian, because these Middle Eastern
    countries have much, much, much bigger oil and gas reserves.

    Malaysia has only 5.4 billion barrels of oil reserves, and about 89
    trillion cubic feet of gas. Compare that to Saudi Arabia ‘s 260 billion
    barrels of oil and 240 trillion cubic feet of gas.

    Malaysia only produces 600,000 barrels per day of oil. Saudi Arabia
    produces 9 million barrels per day. At this rate, Saudi Arabia ‘s crude
    oil sales revenue could amount to US$1.2 billion per day! At this rate,
    it can practically afford almost everything — free education,
    healthcare, etc, and subsidies — for its people.

    But if we look at these countries closely, they have in the past few
    years started to come up with policies and strategies designed to
    prolong their reserves and diversify their income bases. In this sense,
    Malaysia (and PETRONAS) has had a good head start, as we have been doing
    this a long time.

    Fuel prices in Malaysia is controlled by the Government based on a
    formula under the Automatic Pricing Mechanism introduced more than a
    couple of decades ago. It is under this mechanism that the complex
    calculation of prices is made, based on the actual cost of petrol or
    diesel, the operating costs, margin for dealers, margin for retail oil
    companies (including PETRONAS Dagangan Bhd) and the balancing number of
    duty or subsidy. No retail oil companies or dealers actually make money
    from the hike of the fuel prices. Oil companies pay for the products at
    market prices, but have to sell low, so the Government reimburses the
    difference — thus subsidy.

    Subsidy as a concept is OK as long as it benefits the really deserving
    segment of the population. But there has to be a limit to how much and
    how long the Government should bear and sustain subsidy. An environment
    where prices are kept artificially low indefinitely will not do anyone
    any good. That’s why countries like Indonesia are more pro-active in
    removing subsidies. Even Vietnam (which is a socialist country, by the
    way) is selling fuel at market prices.


    5) I feel I also need to say something on the allegation that PETRONAS
    is not transparent in terms of its accounts, business transactions etc.

    PETRONAS is first and foremost a company, operating under the rules and
    regulations of the authorities including the Registrar of Companies, and
    the Securities Commission and Bursa Malaysia for its listed four
    subsidiaries (PETRONAS Dagangan Bhd, PETRONAS Gas Bhd, MISC Bhd and KLCC
    Property Holdings Bhd.

    PETRONAS the holding company produces annual reports which are made to
    whomever wants them, and are distributed to many parties and places;
    including to the library at the Parliament House for perusal and reading
    pleasure of all Yang Berhormat MPs (if they care to read). PETRONAS also
    makes the annual report available on its website, for those who bother
    to look. The accounts are duly audited.

    The website also contains a lot of useful information, if people really
    care to find out. Although PETRONAS is not listed on Bursa Malaysia , for
    all intents and purposes, it could be considered a listed entity as its
    bonds and financial papers are traded overseas. This requires scrutiny
    from investors, and from rating agencies such as Standard & Poor and


    6) The last time I checked, this is still a democratic country, where
    people are free to spend their money wherever they like.

    For those who like to see more of the money that they spend go back to
    the local economy and benefiting their fellow Malaysians, perhaps they
    should consider sticking to local products or companies.

    For those who like to see that the money they spend go back to foreign
    shareholders of the foreign companies overseas, they should continue
    buying foreign products.


    I’m sorry this is rather long, but I just have to convey it. I hope this
    would help some of you out there understand something. The oil and gas
    industry, apart from being very capital intensive, is also very complex
    and volatile. I’m learning new things almost every single day.

    Appreciate if you could help to forward this response to as many
    contacts as possible to counter the subversive proposal out there.

    Thank you.


  • shahmuzir

    ***EMAIL 5***

    Guys, I already answered her concerns (the person whose created the email). Since I have been in this business for quite some time (doing PSC negotiation with the Govt (domestic & international) , pipeline arangement,etc for more than 6 years (but I am no longer in Petroleum economics dept, already moved to drilling eng. dept) , so i think is my responsibility to tell u all the true story.

    Pasal yg PSC contract tuh, it is a win2 situation. Production Sharing Contract (PSC) is signed between the PSC contractor OR Operator (shell, Carigali, murphy, Esso, etc) and Petronas. Our PSC contract is not that quite generous (I am telling u the truth), except for the deep water PSC due to high risk and high investment. Revenue over Cost (R/C)PSC, 1985 PSC (sliding scale base) are not that generous. I can tell you, PSC in south east asean countries are among the toughest contract. Don’t look at the gross, look at the net after tax (is only 15%-18% to the contractor or so called operator). What you are referring to is the Petronas Take, petronas is the body that being trusted by the govt to manage the resources on behalf of the govt. Petronas pay the tax and royalty to the govt. Petronas cannot simply use the money for fun man !!.. get the fact rite. What Petronas did is keep on investing and keep on making money so that our Govt will not be
    running out of money. Can’t you see what happened to Indonesia, Venezuela, Nigeria, etc. They are among the biggest oil producer in the world (they are OPEC members, Malaysia was not qualified due to its small production), but can’t you see how poor their people are? …. because why?, poor management, corruption, etc. Can’t we take a look how Petronas expand its businesses worldwide? How much money do we invest, and for whom?… for malaysian right. I am so sad when people keep on complaining abt petronas, while we (petronas staff) sacrificing, risking our life staying on offshore just to drill a well ( I have been on the rig since last week, drilling a high temperature, high pressure wells, ultra deep well), and any disaster could just happen to us, as what had happened last week when we took a gas kick, alhamdulillah we all still alive and manage to control the sleeping giant. Do you know how much have we invested for this well?… USD 60 million
    just to find information and if we are lucky, we will strike an oil or gas. Can’t people out there understand?. .. we all tinggal anak bini, semata2 nak cari minyak for the sake of malaysian bloody idiots. We all still have an option to work else where who can pay us big money, but due to our loyalty to our beloved country, we carry the job professionally.

    This is my reply to her… read carefully

    Salam to Cik Zaty..

    First of all, thank you very much for highlighting the issue. Being a
    Petronas staff who has a little knowledge abt the business (only Allah
    knows everything) I feel guilty if I don’t tell you the true scenario on
    what’s currently happening in Malaysia. I just wanted to quote some of
    the statements made by you

    1) Gali & jual minyak gred A, beli minyak gred C
    2) Minyak Petronas minyak paling kotor sekali (funny)
    3) Negara pengeluar minyak, tp kena mengikut harga minyak dunia
    4) Yg hnya untung org2 petronas
    5) Bonus 9 Bulan
    6) Petronas contribution

    My answer:
    1) True, due to the market force and business strategy. Do you know what
    it means by ‘minyak gred c” ? .. the sulfur content of the crude is
    higher. But as long as you can extract the sulfur content, it will be as
    good as other crudes. The Gred C crude need to undergo a certain
    treatments which i don’t want to confuse yourself further by explain it
    (as you already confused). Some petrochemical plants do not want this
    high sulfur contents, but we do because our people is creative (Petronas
    staff).We treat the crude and extract the sulfur and make money out of
    it. We have kedah Fertilizer plants who can transform the sulfur become
    fertilizer (baja). I am sure you did not aware abt this.

    2) The most funniest statement. How could you say that?… Don’t you
    have the evidence?.. You can be sued because of so called “seductive”
    statement. Don’t you know that most of the petrol station regardless of
    what brand they are (esso, petrojet, BP etc)got the raw gasoline from
    Petronas Penapisan terengganu or melaka… just to name a few, caltex
    got their own gasoline from its own refinery in Jurong Singapore, Shell
    from Port Dickson refinary… This raw gasoline (or if you want to call
    it petrol)has its own standard specification (international standard)
    before it can be sold. what make things different from one brand to
    another brand is the addictive that they added into the gasoline. That’s
    what make the petrol whether it is more powerful or more millage. For
    your own info my wife (oppss… i opt not to reveal my
    status..heheheh) is working with Chevron @ Caltex who is dealing with all
    these downstream businesses esp petrol distribution and delivery,
    processes and procurement. I am pretty sure that my information is 90%
    can be trusted.

    3) Crude oil is not an controlled items like sugar, chicken, beef, etc.
    It is traded worldwide in the spot market or long term future market
    (contractual over to a certain period). So it is very clear, not us to
    determine the market price whatsoever but it is the worldwide crude
    traders did that. Do you get what i meant?.

    4) Why did you say like that? Why dengki dgn org Petronas who sacrifice
    themselves for the nation, for the sake of Malaysian, people like you.
    We did our job professionally, we make a lot of money, and guess whom
    get the profits? Is the malaysia govt who enjoy the money without
    investing any single sen. Govt got their share in a form of royalty and
    taxes and that should be return back to the people. Back in 1974,
    petronas was only given USD10 million to do the business and how much
    Petronas earns now… Over the last 30 Years Petronas has given back
    Govt close to USD 200 billion (can’t remember the exact figure) in a
    forms of Royalty and Taxes. Did you know that Petronas is subsidizing
    the electric tariffs that you consumed everyday. The electric tariff
    that you paid is only 15%- 25% of the actual price (based on the current
    gas price). Petronas is buying USD9.00 ++/mmBtu (current market price) from
    the Field operator (ExxonMobil, Carigali) and selling at RM6.40/mmBtu ~ (USD1.94/mmBtu)
    to TNB, Malakoff, YTL, Genting (Ind. power supply)and this people are
    getting 18% return due to its cost of capital of 10%. Who gets the 10%
    return?.. is the money lender such as maybank, etc.. So i would suggest
    if you want to boycott, don’t boycott Petronas but boycott Money lenders
    instead. They are the one who eaten up much of the cake.

    5) Please don’t “dengki” dgn gaji dan bonus org lain…. They deserved
    it due to his/her hard work. Kalau kita kuat berusaha dan rajin,
    insyaAllah rezeki tuh murah…. You do your part, we will do our part.
    Our country crucially needs Petronas to support them. 45% of the Govt
    income coming from Petronas money. Can’t you think if Petronas collapse,
    where else the Govt to find the money?

    6) Petronas has contributed a lot. Shukur Alhamdulillah. . How long has
    your abang serve with Petronas?.. I think you might have understand it
    wrongly or you may have not been given the right information or half
    cooked information. I would advise you not to spread this kind of
    statement as the statement is not 100% right. You may end up giving
    people the wrong informations which it may works against you one day.
    Jangan menyebarkan fitnah kalau kita tak tahu sumber yg tepat. belajar
    dahulu sehingga habis.

    Akhir kata, terima kasih for higlighting the issue. at least we all know
    your concerns. Thanks, wallahu’alam


  • Ke Mana RM9 Billion Duit Ummat ISLAM Malaysia Setiap Bulan?? «

    […] Baru-baru ini ada suara-suara di luar sana mengajak kita ummat ISLAM memboikot syarikat pengeluar minyak nasional baru-baru ini.  Lepas tu diajaknya pula membeli minyak dari syarikat jenama luar negara.  Amat memelikkan saya.  (Rujuk: […]


  • abhalim

    Baikot Petronas sementara sehingga kerajaan baru, lepas tu baru kempen Isi minyak petronas.. Ini hanya untuk peniaga stesen minyak petronas sendiri mintak kerajaan mengkaji balik harga minyak sebab peniaga stesen minyak petronas paling ramai dan bumiputera mesti kerajaan konsider. Tu pun kalau kerajaan nak tolong melayu le kalau tak tak tahu lee.. . Tak payah petrotik pun keje bulan bulan gaji 2/3 ribu petrotik ape, contract worker yang buat semua heeh hee… kuat le .. Askar kat kem tentera nu yang petriotik..


  • Yusof Latiff

    Thanks fo the technical and financial aspects on fuel and financial golbally and petrona locally. I hope the writer who wants to boycott petronas should withdraw this e-mail immediately of send an apology to all concern.


  • Yusof Latiff

    Thanks fo the technical and financial aspects on fuel and financial golbally and petrona locally. I hope the writer who wants to boycott petronas should withdraw this e-mail immediately of send an apology to all concern. Apalah salahnya wang yang kita belanjakan itu memberikan fardah kepada rakan sebangsa dan agama kita dengan membeli barangan dari peniaga Islam(Melayu) and get that piece of cake in business, eg medical + = non muslim get the profit from producing – major distributor – distributor – retail (malay/muslim), Janganlah hanya kerana mengikut aliran pemikiran singkat cuba bercakap tentang perkara kita tak da ilmu tentangnya.


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